I love getting things that are new. There’s something about “new” that is incredibly exciting – and almost always puts me in a good mood.
Years ago, I remember getting my first Nintendo (the original) – with Mario Brothers and the Zelda – as my first games. I got it all for Christmas and was so excited! I remember opening the games, and pulling out the instructions – with the story lines – and pictures of monsters and treasure. It was so awesome! I think I played nonstop for at least two weeks. I ended up playing on that Nintendo system for countless hours – until the next “new” thing came around (Nintendo 64). I loved the games because they were constant discoveries of “new” things.
A few years ago I got my first Iphone. It was a lot like the feeling I got with my Nintendo. I downloaded a ton of new apps the instant I got it – even getting games that I played from my original Nintendo. I didn’t put my phone down for a week. And each new version is similar to the first – I end up playing with all the new features and discovering something new around every corner.
I just love new things. I think people – in general – love new things…
Maybe that’s a little of the intrigue that girls get from shopping. I can’t say for sure – cuz I’m very much a man in the way I think – but maybe girls feel that way about purses, shoes, or clothes. There’s something about “new” that is so appealing. We all want “new” things.
But, eventually, all “new” things get old. We end up storing them away and we rarely use them again (except when “retro” becomes the fashion). I actually still have my first Nintendo stored away in the garage – in some random box. My first Iphone was broken, second is stored away, third is in my pocket, and I’m already looking forward to the new Iphone 5. Crazy, huh?
We’re always looking for that “new” thing.
This is the one characteristic about God that is really amazing. It's a characteristic that's both strange and awesome at the same time. While God is ancient (I’m talking – ANCIENT upon ANCIENT) – He is also new! In different ways - for all of us - He is yet to be discovered. He is over the next hill and around the corner - and He's waiting to be found. And when we find Him - the "new"ness of His love is always astounding! And the great news is that as we get to know Him more and more - the "new" discoveries keep happening, long after our first encounter with His grace.
The scriptures point out that “His mercy is new every morning.” In other words – we wake up – and whether we know it or not – God is there to give His mercy – brand new for the day - everyday! He is always faithful!
He is ancient and new at the same time – one of those crazy God possibilities. He is full of discovery – and yet He has been discovered over and over throughout the history of mankind. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is.
One of my favorite scriptures is Psalm 23. It states that God leads us, walks beside us, and follows after every one of us. It’s no wonder that this Psalm is often read at funerals. Ultimately, He will be doing all three of those things the day we die.
He’ll be leading us to a “new” heaven and earth.
He’ll be present beside us as we pass through the valley of death
And His love will be following after us all the way through eternity.
And on the other side of death, we’ll get to witness all old things made “new”. And we’ll hear God Himself introduce us into heaven by saying, “This is my son (daughter) whom I love, in him (her) I am well pleased!”
I think that's really cool. We are incredibly lucky to have a God that loves us so much!
Have a great day!