Capturing ideas and putting them into words is very difficult. Trying to add humor as you go is also just as maddening.
Very rarely - it just happens. The idea comes out on a page and I’m done. Sometimes I can get that chuckle moment in there too.
But more often, I just stare at a blank screen. Ideas eventually come - but sometimes there’s a lot of staring. I can sit for a half hour or more and - nothing. This makes it pretty difficult on busy days. Sometimes there aren’t half hours (or longer) to spare in a day.
There are other times when an idea rears it’s ugly head and it’s just too big for one page. Those are the worst! I have this frustrating problem. I need to finish an idea before moving on to the next. I literally get writers block until I can finish the thought. I seriously hate that.
I recently wrote one of those big ideas down - and it took forever. And it was far from perfect - the ideas - the thoughts. But I was blank for days before finishing it. I’d stare at my screen and nothing. I avoided the original idea because it was too complex, and way too long. And I knew it wouldn’t be perfect. But, I knew I had to go back to finish the thought or I'd just keep staring at a blank screen. I really didn’t want to. I wanted to move on let it go. But I finally buckled down and finished it.
What’s funny is that my writing doesn’t even have to be good to move on to the next idea. It just needs to be done. And as soon as it's done - everything opens up. I can write again. So weird. And annoying. This happens with song writing too. I don’t get it.
And now - I’ve written four blogs in this one sitting. Four! And two yesterday. I couldn’t even start a sentence of a new blog before finishing that other monstrosity. So lame!
But interesting too. Guess I’m learning more about how I tick as I go along. Self discovery is always a good thing - I suppose. Let’s just hope I don’t hit another one of those “big” ideas for a while...
Have a great day.
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