Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Grace Butt!

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to." Matthew 23:13

God's love is unconditional.  But do we really believe this? 

I often hear various types of "Grace, but" (Grace butt!) theologies spouted out from very influential Christians.  It can look pretty on the outside, but it's rotten to the core.  As I recall, Jesus had some pretty harsh words for people that share this type of theology. (Matthew 23)  There's lots of wolves in sheep's clothing out there.  So, how does one weed them out?

I remember a very long time ago that I'd do my best to err on the side of love. Unconditional love.  Love with no conditions... Could God's love be that good?  I decided I'd do my best to err in that direction (all inclusive) - sue me.

So, when I hear something opposite - I often cringe.  Unfortunately, I go to a lot of church services where the speaker shovels crap.  It looks pretty.  The music is good.  The smile is appealing.  Charisma is there.  But there's straight crap coming out of the mouth.  If the wrapping looks pretty, but the inside smells like crap - I throw it out.  I'm actually amazed at how often I'm a witness to this - but I see it all the time.  I spend a lot of time throwing crap out...

Let's have a little fun.    

Here's some various Grace butt! theologies I've heard over the years.  Of course, these ideas come in various forms - but these are some of the basics (and, yes, I've heard versions of all of these - minus the parentheses - they're my own little commentary on each, just to be clear):

Grace, but you can't live in that lifestyle (Gays are out!  Oh - and people who like Justin Bieber)
Grace, but you have to believe "X, Y, or Z" (Fire insurance? - Check!  Jesus is my homie!)
Grace, but you have to say these particular words. (Thank you that I'm not THAT sinful person next to me!)
Grace, but you can't be in that political party or take that particular political stance (Those Greens - they're definitely out! - and those backwoods redneck types! - don't even think about it)
Grace, but you have to be baptized. (Sprinkled or Submerged?  ugh - don't get me started!)
Grace, but you have to demonstrate a particular spiritual gift (I prophesy that you are reading this - gotcha! I'm in!) 
Grace, but you have to believe what I believe about hell (deep fried Twinkie come to mind? No?  Just me?  Actually - that sounds like heaven, never mind...ha!)
Grace, but you have to live like a Christian (fish magnets, cheesy slogans, 4 spiritual laws, Focus on the Family! - yikes)
Grace, but you have to show the fruit of the Spirit (Look good for the camera, and always wear clean underwear! people are watching...)
Grace, but you can't be Catholic (just weird - no comments...)
Grace, but you have to understand these simple truths (simple - like - atomic theory? or the complexity of a black hole?  Or women?)

I'm being a bit snarky again.  But these ideas are spouted quite often.  Usually they're a lot more subtle, but they're there.  Conditional love trying to lasso Jesus.  Ahhh - but Matthew 23 - love it!

So - are you in or out - in any of these?  Wow.  I think I'm out on at least three.  Shoot.

Much more to say on this - as well as another favorite theology that I often hear from pulpits:  PROSPERITY!!

But that's for another time...

Have a great day!


***Grace Butt defined:  You are loved by God - only if you do such and such...  "You are completely loved by God, but you have to...."  Conditional vs. Unconditional love.  Which is it?

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