I’ve been practicing Lent for years, but had never really looked at the roots. Interesting stuff. Most years I give up coffee or soda. I was on track to do that again this year, but decided to change it up a bit instead at the last minute. I’m super glad I did.
This year I decided to do three things.
I went a somewhat traditional route and gave up meat. Within the first week, I was astonished at how much meat I normally eat. Turns out, for me - every meal is meat - or has meat in it. Usually, when I give up coffee, soda, or caffeine, the cravings go away after the first week. Not so with meat. I craved meat every single day of Lent. I failed 3 times (which is actually pretty good). 43 days meatless! That's over 40 days. But - I wasn’t doing the Sabbatical Sundays - so Lent for me was 46 days this year. A fail is a fail, even if it was close and I could justify it. ;-)
And - failing an hour and a half before Easter??? Well, that’s pretty bad. I admit. hahaha.
I went a somewhat traditional route and gave up meat. Within the first week, I was astonished at how much meat I normally eat. Turns out, for me - every meal is meat - or has meat in it. Usually, when I give up coffee, soda, or caffeine, the cravings go away after the first week. Not so with meat. I craved meat every single day of Lent. I failed 3 times (which is actually pretty good). 43 days meatless! That's over 40 days. But - I wasn’t doing the Sabbatical Sundays - so Lent for me was 46 days this year. A fail is a fail, even if it was close and I could justify it. ;-)
And - failing an hour and a half before Easter??? Well, that’s pretty bad. I admit. hahaha.
I also decided to write in my blog every day of Lent. I almost did it. I did 43 days out of 46. So close! It was super difficult..
Here’s a few reflections from writing daily...
Ideas are out there. There’s never a lack of ideas to comment on or write about. Not every idea is a good one, but they’re out there. It’s the work - writing - that’s the challenge.
Writing isn’t easy. Sharing thoughts from time to time is easier, but every day? Quite demanding. There are many challenges. Coming up with ideas. The mechanics of writing. Capturing ideas with letters and words (easier said than done). And humor? Tone? wow. Let alone - editing. Just editing itself can be excruciating. Then letting it go - saying “I’m done.” The finality of “publish”. It’s all pretty difficult. And deadlines themselves are interesting too. There’s a bit of an added pressure when you’re writing with the clock ticking. So fascinating. I published quite a few blogs just minutes before midnight. ha!
Writing has a mind of its own. I know that probably has more to do with my mind - but sometimes writing takes you in places you weren’t expecting. It’s really interesting. I wrote about that a couple times in the blog.
I also learned that I still have so much to learn. Gotta love this journey!
I attempted to capture a photo on Instagram every day. I completely failed in this challenge - I maybe did it half the time. My ordinary day is pretty dang ordinary - I felt I’d be capturing the same picture over and over again with different lighting. There were definitely moments I missed, but still. I liked how doing this got me into the frame of mind of a photographer (at least more than ever before), but it was more of a chore than a joy. I guess that’s why I tried it: I wanted to experience something new. When I do look at the photos I published, I’m glad I attempted it. I actually wish I had been more strict on this one, but that’ll be for next time...
All three challenges made Lent pretty tough this year. In one discipline, I gave something up - I restrained myself. In the other two, I added something to my daily routine. Like I said, thought I’d change it up. I have to say - as hard as it was - it was really valuable this year. I learned a lot. It wasn’t a passive practice - and that was definitely good for me.
From a “Jesus sighting” perspective - I experienced:
The discipline of doing (as opposed to just thinking or dreaming) - Love Does... (the Word became flesh...)
The grace of screwing up - forgiving myself - and continuing on. God forgives us completely. His mercy is NEW every morning.
What it’s like to live under a self imposed “Law” and the lack of freedom I experienced from obeying it. God’s perfection (Sermon on the mount) - how incredibly strong He was to never sin.
That sometimes limiting freedom can be beneficial (I lost some weight along the way) - God’s miracle of restraint, God limited Himself in the person Jesus (incarnation). His restraint was super beneficial for humanity and was one way (of many) He revealed His deep love for us.
How I tick and how I see the world around me - in some new ways. Jesus gives sight to the blind.
Freedom on Easter (eating a Porterhouse Steak for Easter dinner! yumm) Freedom from the Law. We are ALL acceptable by God because of His work/action.
And the JOY of Easter - Freedom and Resurrection (usually I just focus on Resurrection) "In His great joy"..."be joyful always"..."for the joy set before Him" - Temple Curtain torn. Christ is Life! Rejoice!
The really cool thing is that I’m still learning and reflecting. Most Easters, it’s done when it’s done. This one’s still working itself out.
I feel like I can accomplish an actual task - or restrain myself from something - in a 40 day period (for the most part). Maybe that’s a new way of looking at a first step - for goals and dreams. I don't know...
One thing I do know - I’m still learning...one day at a time - and maybe now - in forty day increments. lol
Have a great day!
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