This is popular Church theology. Basically - you're a pile of crap until you give God your life. Many preachers make this point, over and over again. It's nauseating.
I believe the good news is so much better than that. I wish the speaker had said something like this:
"The good news isn't' that you're awesome. The good news is that God is awesome! So awesome - He actually invites you into His very own family! To be His kids!!! And He made that possible because of what He did through His life, death, and resurrection. "
For many - the difference between these statements might not seem at all noticeable. But there's a giant difference. Many people preach the good news as "this is what you get." The good news becomes about what one might receive. The good news is about ME.
The good news in the bible is a person: Jesus Christ. It's sort of become cliche, but but the good news isn't about me - it's about Him. Going in a little nerdy route - when the good news is about me - truth becomes subjective. Now - we might perceive God subjectively - but who He is and what He is like is OBJECTIVE.
Ok - what does that mean? Subjective truth depends on the eye of the beholder. Beauty is subjective. I might think something is beautiful, you might think it's ugly! We perceive the same object differently. Our tastes are different - even though the object is the same.
Objective truth ISN'T dependent on the beholder. 2 + 2 = 4. That equation is true, whether I agree with it or not. It's also true, whether I know it exists or not. Objective truth is truth outside of the observer.
God's love for humanity and His characteristics are OBJECTIVE - not Subjective. The problem with much of Church Theology is that they turn the "good news" into a subjective good news. It becomes all about me. Me me me me me me me me me.
Like I said - nerdville. That's a little deep. But the point is - the good news is NOT dependent on how I perceive it. The good news is who God is - and what he had done to reveal Himself to us! God's good news is so good - it's Him. And He's available to all - everyone!!!
So - how is the first statement (above) subjective? Well, if you read it again, you'll notice that the emphasis on good news is on transformation of an individual. It becomes about what I become and am saved from. In the second statement - the emphasis of good news is about God's characteristics - who He is - and what I've been saved for. Go check. That's a very big difference, and it makes all the difference in the world when talking about God.
Does that mean that transformation is bad? or wrong? NOOOOO! In fact - God changes people all the time - amazing transformations!!! And many of those transformations are good news! However - His good news is even better than individual transformations. It's His person - who He is! He is NOT dependent on what you think of Him. He is good - whether you believe it or not - and whether you think it exists or not. He is not dependent on you. If you really think about it - that's incredibly good news!
So go seek out the good news. He's not far from you at all - He's actually with you now. He knows everything about you - and in spite of that - is madly in love with you!!! Because that's who He is - Love. He is good - He is awesome!
Have a great day!
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