Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Pointing Finger of the Grim Reaper

I had to fight back tears today as I watched an assembly called "Every Fifteen Minutes" at one of our local high schools. The point of this drama is to get kids to see what an collision scene might look after a drunk driver causes a major accident. Schools always have these assemblies right before prom to warn students about the dangers of drinking and driving. It was pretty brutal.

The "accident" was set on the football field with actual students and teachers as actors. When the drama started, the first responders entered the school in dramatic fashion - with their lights blaring and sirens wailing. They quickly secured the scene - with different cops and firefighters speaking into microphones so everyone could hear their procedures. The "drunk driver" was the only person really conscious - and he was arrested and taken into custody. Two of his friends were badly injured - one was life flighted by a helicopter, the other taken in an ambulance. The victim from the other car was pronounced "dead" at the scene - a popular teacher from the staff of the school - and he was put into a coroner's van.

Across the field from the students stood the grim reaper - standing and watching the entire event - not moving an inch. After all the action had taken place, the reaper came into the crowd of students (the entire school was watching from the football stands) and pointed to a pretty popular senior. The reaper then hand-cuffed the student and took him away. Afterwards, one of the CHP officers read the obituary of the student - holding back tears as she read. Her voice broke at the end of her reading.

I immediately thought of some students that I've known over the years that had to go through this in real life. Joe, Jesse, Jackie, and Josh - four different students from four different schools - all passed away at a very young age from car accidents. Their families were devastated and friends were crushed. It made me kind of sick thinking about it.

One of the shortest verses in the bible states: "Jesus wept." He saw the impact that death had on the friends and family of Lazarus - a very close friend who passed away. He cared deeply and wept.

Soon, Jesus would be marching towards His own death. He understood how His execution would be perceived by His close friends. He knew they would lose hope. The people closest to Him would desert Him and would wail with grief from the death He was entering. His friends wouldn't understand what was happening. They were about to feel confusion, pain, hurt, anguish, anger, hopelessness, terror, betrayal, and great sadness. The deep care and concern that He had for his friends broke His heart and He wept.

I think He thought of us too - when He wept. Jesus - being God in flesh - knew that every person throughout history would have to face death - and feel its repercussions (including you and me). Death is devastating and frightening to humanity. And it's a reality for everyone.

I'm positive that Jesus wept for Joe, Jesse, Jackie, and Josh on the day that they died. He wept for their friends and families as they struggled through their pain and questioning. Jesus wept for them (and everyone who faces death) because He cares - and He is love.

The curse of death is so deceptive -and so painful. But there is great hope. Jesus never turned away from the death He was marching towards because He saw death differently than us. One of God's missions on Earth was to break the curse of death and to give life to all who believe (and whomever He chooses). His mission was to "right what was wrong" - and that mission was accomplished on the cross when He (the innocent lamb - Jesus) was sacrificed on our behalf.

He died on a cross - a spear piercing His heart.

"But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5)

He was killed. But, Jesus didn't stay dead. He broke the curse. He was able to break the curse of death because He is God. He rose again to new life. His tomb was empty. Death wasn't final for God. Death was conquered.

Jesus became the key to life.

This is incredibly good news to all who have ears to hear. Not only does God care about us - and weep with us when all seems hopeless - but God gives new life to all who trust in Him. A life full of purpose and love.

I was holding back tears today as I watched a drama about the scary reality of death. I definitely felt sad watching the event. But the tears I was holding back weren't just tears of sadness - they were tears tinged with incredible hope. It's a hope that I'm compelled to share with my friends who only see fear when facing the finality of death.

May we all come to understand this truth spoken by Jesus:

"Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." John 17:3

God offers us eternal life through knowing Him - through relationship. I pray we may accept His invitation! And when the grim reaper points his finger at us - we don't have to fear because we know that we'll be in the good hands of a Savior who loves us and gives us new life - a life that never ends and is so often compared to a party in the scriptures - where there is loud music, dancing, and a feast (Luke 15). Amen!

Have a great day!


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