Wednesday, March 27, 2013


There are moments when I don’t really know what to do with myself.  What I mean is, I have moments of free time and can’t think of anything creative to do.  I could read, but I read a lot.  I could watch TV, but that gets really boring.  I could write, but I seem to write all the time.  I could play guitar, sing - and write songs - but that can be frustrating if I’m not in the mood.  There’s always the ps3 (the great time waster) but that gets old as well.  I could exercise - but after that - what?  
Sometimes I want to go on an adventure.  But adventures can be too disrupting.  I could hang out with friends - and I do all the time - but there’s coordination - all that.

I’m talking about when all those options are off the table.  What then?

I think boredom can be a great motivator.  It doesn’t happen often, but when I get super bored - I clean.  I end up being productive when there’s no options.  When my life is chaos (which is most days) I have no time for that kind of thing.  Boredom also forces me to think outside of the box - grasping for anything to fill my time.

When I was a kid during the summer, my mom would send me outside outside to play.  If I came home and said I was bored - she’d say, “I have some work you can do.”  I’d always find something to do.  But - this was actually really awesome.  I learned how to take apart a bike and put it back together.  I explored all over my neighborhood.  I learned how to make a bow and arrow from the bushes - using blackberry stalks for arrows and a strange type wood from a bush as the bow.  I guess I could have ended up doing really stupid stuff too - but I didn’t - for the most part.

And when I was super bored in the summer, I actually started to look forward to school.  The very thing that I dreaded became the thing I began looking forward to.  A strange type of motivation for sure.  But no less real either.

Hmmm...interesting thoughts.  

Alright - off to

Have a great day!


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